Are you an expat, home educating your child/ren in the Netherlands? Or are you looking to come and live in the Netherlands and home educate your child/ren?

Help keep home education available for non-Dutch speaking families in the Netherlands and send in a response through the internet consultation.

The Dutch government has put forward a law proposal that would require a Dutch language test for parents wanting to home educate their children. Not passing this test means an obligation to send your kids to school or face criminal prosecution.

The law proposal is currently in the phase of internet consultation where citizens and non-citizens can tell the government what they think of the law proposal. Sending in a response helps. The outcome of this internet consultation can cause the law to be amended or canceled. The more well written responses they receive, the easier it will be to convince lawmakers to draft a better law.

Citizens and non-citizens can respond to the law proposal until July 16th 2020.

Take action and tell the Dutch government how important home education is for you and how it would alter your plans or career if this law would be adopted. Responses can be in English.

The Dutch home education association (NVvTO) has written a summary In English of the law proposal and a guide for writing an effective response.

You can find the summary in English here: [link]

Here is the writing guide. (It also includes a visual guide on which buttons to click on the consultation web page as it is in Dutch): [link]

Here is the internet consultation where you can leave your response []

The NVvTO offers a free proof-reading service for your response. Feel free to mail your draft response to

If you are an expat, please consider forwarding this web-page to your HR department. International companies will have an interest in freedom of education for their expat workers too.

Any questions can be sent through our contact form.

Let’s work together for a better home education law in the Netherlands!